Battle Basics

Your Pokémon have several moves to choose from in battle, and can learn more as they advance levels or are given TMs. Moves in Pokémon 5e work similarly to spells in 5e. Each move has a number of Power Points (PP) that determine how many times the move can be used. Refilling PP can be done by resting your Pokémon, or using an item such as Ether. Most moves have at least one Move Power – the focused abilities of that move. Move Powers can be any of the six main abilities, and determine which ability modifier to use for attack, damage, and saving throw DC. This ability modifier is referenced simply as "MOVE" in move descriptions.

Attack Roll Bonus = MOVE + Proficiency

Damage Bonus = MOVE (+ STAB if applicable)

Saving Throw DC = 8 + Proficiency + MOVE

Status Conditions

Status "Grace Period"

When a Pokémon recovers from a status effect, they cannot succumb to the same effect until after the end of their next turn.

Non-Volatile Statuses

A Pokémon can only be affected by one non-volatile status at a time. If a Pokémon is already affected by a non-volatile status, it cannot be affected by another until cured of the original status.


A poisoned creature has disadvantage on all ability checks and attack rolls, and takes an amount of damage equal to its proficiency bonus at the end of each of its turns until it faints or is cured of its poison. (Poison and Steel types are immune to this status condition)


A frozen creature is incapacitated and restrained. In combat, it can attempt to break free of the ice with a STR save at the end of each of its turns against a DC of 10 + the proficiency bonus of the creature that caused this status. Outside of combat, the frozen status lasts for one hour. (Ice types are immune to this status condition)


A burned Pokémon rolls all damage rolls twice and takes the lower result (this bypasses and does not cancel out with things like Savage Attacker, Iron Fist, Weather, etc). In addition, the creature takes an amount of damage equal to its proficiency bonus at the beginning of each of its turns until it faints or is cured of its burns. (Fire types are immune to this status condition)


A paralyzed creature has disadvantage on any STR or DEX saving throws and moves at half speed. When a paralyzed Pokémon begins its turn, it must first roll a d4. On a result of 1, the Pokémon is incapacitated and restrained until the beginning of their next turn and must forfeit their remaining action and bonus action to their trainer. If a creature is paralyzed and confused/asleep, the paralysis roll comes first. If it fails, it does not roll to wake or be confused. (Electric types are immune to this status condition)

Volatile Statuses

A Pokémon can be affected with both a volatile and non-volatile status. Unlike non-volatile statuses, volatile status immediately end outside of combat.


A creature that falls asleep is affected immediately and for the following three rounds of initiative. During this time, the creature is incapacitated and restrained, and rolls all saving throws with disadvantage. If a Pokémon is returned to its ball during this time, its round count is paused until released once again. A sleeping creature can roll a d20 when subject to a move AND at the end of each of its turns, ending the status immediately on a result of 11 or higher.


A confused creature is affected immediately for the following 3 rounds of initiative. During this time, it loses its ability to take reactions and moves at half speed. When a Confused Pokémon attempts to use an action or bonus action on their turn, they must first roll a d20. On a result of 10 or lower, the Pokémon hurts itself for an amount of typeless damage equal to their proficiency modifier and forfeits their remaining action and bonus action to the trainer for the rest of the turn. On a roll of 16 or higher, the status ends immediately.


A flinched Pokémon has disadvantage on any attack roll, skill check, or saving throw it makes before the end of its next turn. If it activates a move that requires a saving throw during that time, the target has advantage on the roll.

d100 Weather Move Types Affected (Optional) - advantage on damage rolls
1-25 Harsh Sun, Calm Grass, Ground, Fire
26-35 Harsh Sun, Windy Grass, Ground, Fire, Flying, Dragon, Psychic
36-65 Cloudy, Calm Normal, Rock, Fairy, Fighting, Poison
66-75 Cloudy, Windy Normal, Rock, Fairy, Fighting, Poison, Flying, Dragon, Psychic
76-80 Foggy Dark, Ghost
81-90 Light Drizzle Water, Electric, Bug
91-99 Heavy Rain Water, Electric, Bug
100 Dangerous Storm Water, Electric, Bug