New Move

Your Pokémon may have new moves that it can learn. All moves at this level or lower can be taught to your Pokémon. Pokémon cannot have more than four moves at a time without the Extra Move Feat. Moves may be changed during a long rest, and must be chosen from the Pokémon's current move list at a level at or below their current level. Moves from a TM may also be taught during a long rest, if that TM has been purchased.

Damage Increase

The damage of each damaging move increases at the acquired level, as shown in the move description.

Ability Score Improvement

The Pokémon gains a number of points to add to its abilities. (Max of 20, before nature)

  • A Pokémon that is part of an evolutionary line with three stages gains 2 ASI points at levels 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20.
  • A Pokémon that is part of an evolutionary line with two stages gains 3 ASI points at levels 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20.
  • A Pokémon that is part of an evolutionary line with one stage gains 4 ASI points at levels 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20.

When a Pokémon gains these points, it may spend 2 of them on a feat of its choice, instead of an ability score increase. (Only one feat may be purchased for one-stagers)

Same-Type Attack Bonus (STAB)

Your Pokémon gains a bonus to damage rolls when it uses an attack move type that is the same as their Pokémon type. STAB may only be added once per move, even for moves that deal damage over time like Leech Seed, Poison Gas, etc. This bonus increases as the Pokémon levels up.


A Pokémon can evolve into a new form after meeting the appropriate requirements in its stat block, and only at the time of level up. When a Pokémon evolves, the following occurs, in order:

  • It keeps its current ability scores, but gains a number of points to add to these scores as determined in its stat block. A Pokémon evolved in this way may not use evolution points to raise a single ability score higher than 4 points above the same score in their evolved form's stat block, +/- applicable nature bonus. (Maximum of 20 in any stat, before nature). With the exception of the Researcher training path feature, these points CANNOT be used for feats.
  • It gains an HP bonus of double its level.
  • It acquires the hit dice of its evolved form to increase HP this level and for future rolls.
  • It acquires the base AC of its evolved form, all new proficiencies, and vulnerabilities/resistances/immunities.
  • If it loses its current ability by evolving, it should exchange its current known ability for any one of its evolved form's non-hidden abilities.
  • It keeps the known moves it had before evolution, but must learn all future moves from its new move list. Ex: Pikachu evolving into Raichu at level 10 cannot learn any of Pikachu's level 10 moves.

Evolution can be delayed at the player's discretion, but once the decision has been made, the Pokémon cannot evolve until gaining an additional level.

Level EXP Needed
1st 0
2nd 200
3rd 800
4th 2,000
5th 6,000
6th 12,000
7th 20,000
8th 30,000
9th 44,000
10th 62,000
11th 82,000
12th 104,000
13th 128,000
14th 158,000
15th 194,000
16th 234,000
17th 278,000
18th 326,000
19th 382,000
20th 450,000
Loyalty Level Pokémon's Emotion Effect
-3 Disloyal Disloyal Pokémon hold disdain for being captured, and would rather be free. They have no need to impress or obey their trainers, and actively disobey orders. Pokémon at this level add -1 to any saving throw they make. In addition, before activating a move, the trainer must roll higher than a 15 on a d20 roll or the move fails.
-2 Indifferent Indifferent Pokémon do not care if their trainers win or lose. They will sometimes obey orders, and other times simply refuse to act. Pokémon at this level add -1 to any saving throw they make. In addition, before activating a move, must roll higher than a 10 on a d20 roll or lose their turn.
-1 Upset Upset Pokémon hold a small grudge against their trainers that affects them in battle. Pokémon at this level add -1 to any saving throw they make.
0 Neutral A neutral Pokémon acts normally with no stat modifiers. It responds to its trainers commands and acts on its own accord outside of combat as an Active Pokémon. Most freshly caught Pokémon begin at this level or lower depending on the circumstances of their catch.
+1 Content A content Pokémon shows a fondness and respect for their owners. Caught Pokémon very rarely begin at any loyalty level higher than this. Pokémon at this level gain an additional +1 to any saving throw they make.
+2 Pleased A pleased Pokémon puts great trust in their owners, and enjoys spending quality time with them. Pokémon at this level gain additional max hit points equal to half their level (rounded up), +1 to any saving throw they make, and one additional skill proficiency of their choice. (In the case where a Pokémon would dip below this Loyalty and come back, the same skill must be selected)
+3 Loyal Pokémon at this level have an incredible bond with their trainers, willing to risk their own life for their trainer's safety. Pokémon at this level gain additional max hit points equal to their level, +1 to any saving throw they make, and two additional skill proficiencies of their choice. (In the case where a Pokémon would dip below this Loyalty and come back, the same skills must be selected).

Pokémon Natures

When a new Pokémon is caught or hatched from an egg, roll for its nature.

  1. Lonely (+2 STR, -2 CON)
  2. Brave (+2 STR, -2 DEX)
  3. Adamant (+2 STR, -2 WIS)
  4. Naughty (+2 STR, -2 CHA)
  5. Bold (+2 CON, -2 STR)
  6. Relaxed (+2 CON, -2 DEX)
  7. Impish (+2 CON, -2 WIS)
  8. Lax (+2 CON, -2 CHA)
  9. Timid (+2 DEX, -2 STR)
  10. Hasty (+2 DEX, -2 CON)
  11. Jolly (+2 DEX, -2 WIS)
  12. Naive (+2 DEX, -2 CHA)
  13. Modest (+2 WIS, -2 STR)
  14. Mild (+2 WIS, -2 CON)
  15. Quiet (+2 WIS, -2 DEX)
  16. Rash (+2 WIS, -2 CHA)
  17. Calm (+2 CHA, -2 STR)
  18. Gentle (+2 CHA, -2 CON)
  19. Sassy (+2 CHA, -2 DEX)
  20. Careful (+2 CHA, -2 WIS)
Level Prof. Bonus Features STAB
1st +2 +0
2nd +2 New Move +0
3rd +2 STAB Increase +1
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement +1
5th +3 Proficiency/Damage Increase +1
6th +3 New Move +1
7th +3 STAB Increase +2
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement +2
9th +4 Proficiency Increase +2
10th +4 New Move, Damage Increase +2
11th +4 STAB Increase +3
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement +3
13th +5 Proficiency Increase +3
14th +5 New Move +3
15th +5 STAB Increase +4
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement +4
17th +6 Profieciency/Damage Increase +4
18th +6 New Move +4
19th +6 STAB Increase +5
20th +6 Ability Score Improvement +5