Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1D8 per level

Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier

Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 + your Constitution modifier.


Armor: None

Weapons: None

Saving Throws: Charisma

Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling and choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or Survival.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • 5 Pokéballs
  • 1 potion
  • A dungeoneer, explorer, or filcher's pack
  • Trainer's License
  • A Pokédex
  • A starter Pokémon
  • ₽ 1000 + ₽ 100 x 4d4

Trainer License

Only licensed trainers are permitted to capture Pokémon, and this license identifies you as having such authorization. It also allows trainers to gain access to special services at Pokémon centers and to purchase goods at the Poké Mart. Trainers can lose their license for attacking other trainers or their Pokémon, or failing to take care of their own Pokémon.

Starter Pokémon

A trainer must begin with any single unevolved Pokémon of Species Rating (SR) 1/2 or lower with the base stats in its stat block. Roll for the Pokémon's Nature using the Nature table on the party page.


A hand-held computer with an advanced camera and image recognition software. A trainer can use a bonus action to identify a Pokémon within 50 feet using the Pokédex's scanner. Doing so registers the Pokémon on the Pokédex, and reveals the base SR and some brief facts about the species.


A Trainer’s Pokéslots are the number of Pokémon a Trainer can carry in their pack. At level 1, a Trainer carries their Starter and has two empty slots. Trainers can carry an additional Pokémon at levels 5, 10, and 15.

Pokémon Control Upgrade

Each species of Pokémon is given its own Species Rating (SR). More on Species Rating can be found on the Catching page. The stronger the Pokémon, the more difficult they are to control. The type of Pokémon you can control in the game depends on the level of your character (As seen in the Trainer Level Table). Without the proper level, a Pokémon with a higher SR than allowed will remain permanently at the "Disloyal" Loyalty level until the proper control level has been reached. The maximum Pokémon SR that you can controlincreases at levels 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, and 17.

At level 1, players may choose a specialization from the following list, granting them bonuses depending on the type of Pokémon they train. Additional Specializations can be chosen at later levels. Specializations can be stacked for an additional +1 bonus to skill checks for each time it is chosen.

Bird Keeper

You gain proficiency in Perception. Add a +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your flying Pokémon.

Bug Maniac

You gain Proficiency in Nature. Add a +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your bug Pokémon.


You gain proficiency in Survival. Add a +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your ground Pokémon.

Dragon Tamer

Increase your Wis by +1. Add a +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your dragon Pokémon.


Increase your Int by +1. Add a +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your electric Pokémon.


Increase your Con by +1. Add a +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your fire Pokémon.


You gain proficiency in Nature. Add a +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your grass Pokémon.

Martial Artist

Increase your Str, Con, or Dex by +1. Add a +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your fighting Pokémon.


Increase your Str, Con, or Dex by +1. Add a +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your rock Pokémon.


You gain proficiency in Arcana. Add a +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your ghost Pokémon.

Steel Worker

Increase your Str or Con by +1. Add a +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your steel Pokémon.


You gain the ability to target one of your own Pokémon with the Telepathy spell once per day, ignoring components. Add a +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your psychic Pokémon.


Gain a swim speed equal to your movement speed. Add a +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your water Pokémon.


Increase your Cha by +1. Add a +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your fairy Pokémon.


Gain proficiency in the Deception or Stealth skill. Add a +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your dark Pokémon.


Gain proficiency in the Medicine or Deception skill. Add a +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your poison Pokémon.

Team Player

Increase any one of your ability scores by 1. Add a +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your normal Pokémon.

Ice Skater

Gain proficiency in the Performance or Persuasion skill. Add a +1 bonus to all skill checks made by any of your ice Pokémon.

There are many ways and reasons to train Pokémon. At the 2nd level, depending on your long term goals, choose one of the following paths:

Ace Trainer | Hobbyist | Poké Mentor | Researcher | Pokémon Collector | Nurse

Type Master | Commander | Grunt | Tactician | Ranger

Ace Trainer

Your goal is to become one of the strongest trainers in the world, and so you excel in battle. All of your Pokémon gain a +1 bonus to their attack and damage rolls.

Battle Master:

When you reach level 5, you gain a number of battle dice (d6) equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). You may assign one of these to any of your Pokémon to be added to a single attack or damage roll, after the result of the inital roll. You replenish your pool of battle dice at each long rest.

Max Potential:

Certain trainers choose to excel in one area, utilizing it to its fullest potential. When you reach level 9, choose to increase all of your Pokémon's speed by 10, increase their STR by 1, increase their DEX by 1, or increase their CON by 1.

Rapid Switching:

When you reach level 15, you can recall and release Pokémon as a bonus action instead of a standard action. A Pokémon may not be switched out until after the end of its first full turn in combat (Unless by item or move like Volt Switch, U-Turn, etc).


You choose to dabble in a variety of skills to take care of your Pokémon. At level two, select one additional Specialization and two new skill proficiencies for your trainer.


At level 5, you gain a number of skill dice (d6) equal to 1 + your WIS modifier (minimum of 1). You may assign one of these to any of your Pokémon to be added to a single skill check or saving throw, after the result of the initial roll. You replenish your pool of skill dice at each long rest.

Many Faces:

At level 9, you may select a feature of any of the other trainer paths as long as it requires level 9 or lower.

Skill Switch:

At level 15, you are a master of teaching your Pokémon new strategies to aid in battle. At each long rest, choose a feat from the "Additional Feats" section of page 17 for all of your Pokémon to know for that day. The feat may be changed at each long rest.

Poké Mentor

You have a nurturing touch and a skill for mentoring Pokémon to bring out the best in them. Your TMs can be used twice before breaking.


You excel at creating meals for your Pokémon, seemingly out of nothing. At level 5, you are frequently prepared with an "Edible Treat" for Pokémon, healing 2d4+2 hit points when given as an action. You can use this feature a number of times equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier. This pool resets at each long rest.


At level 9, once per short rest, you may use a bonus action to boost all allied Pokémon with inspiring words. Until your next turn, you may add your CHA modifier (minimum of 1) to all allied attack rolls OR damage rolls OR AC. In addition, your Pokéchef treat now heals 3d10+6 hit points.

Master Teacher:

You have become an incredibly skilled teacher, and move learning is accelerated under your leadership. When you reach level 15, your Pokémon's moves may be learned and unlearned at each long rest instead of level up. In addition, your Pokéchef treat now heals 4d12+10 hit points.


You wish to learn more about Pokémon and the secrets that they hold within. Due to your heightened understanding of your Pokémon, you may increase any skill check your Pokémon makes by your trainer's Wisdom or Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1). You must choose which at the time you choose this path.


A keen mind allows you to discern details about a Pokémon others might overlook. At level 5, you can make a DC 12 Investigation roll as a bonus action to determine a Pokémon’s level and identify one of its abilities as determined by the DM.

Evolutionary Expert:

At level 9, your understanding of the secrets behind Pokémon evolution allows you to enhance the process. When one of your Pokémon evolves, you may use two of its evolution points to spend on a feat.


At level 15, you are an expert in your field. Once per combat, choose a Pokémon and make a DC 12 Intelligence check as a bonus action. On a success, you identify all four of its known moves. In addition, you learn that target's weak spots, granting +2 to all attack rolls your own Pokémon makes against the target.

Pokémon Collector

Your fascination with all the different types of Pokémon of the world drives your need to collect them all. You now have expertise in Animal Handling, doubling your proficiency in this skill.

Gotta Catch 'Em All:

At level 5, once per long rest, you may roll an Animal Handling check with advantage, even if the opponent is not suffering from a negative status effect.

Catching Expert:

At level 9, any Pokémon you catch are instantly healed of their status ailments and have full health. In addition, you may now add your Charisma modifier to any catching attempt.

Disciplined Strikes:

At level 15, you have trained your Pokémon to hold back or unleash power when necessary. When damaging a Pokémon enough to cause it to faint, you can choose to bring it to 1 HP instead.


You have a pure heart and a healing spirit. You want the best for your Pokémon, and that involves always keeping them in tip-top shape. When you choose this path, gain proficiency in the Medicine skill. At each long rest or Pokémon center visit, your held Pokémon gain temporary hit points equal to your level.

Pure Heart:

Your kindness radiates to all those around you. Starting at level 5, you have a pool of healing power that replenishes when you take a long rest. As an action, you can touch a willing creature and restore any number of hit points from this pool. The total pool is equal to your trainer level x 5.

Healing Spirit:

Your healing spirit is transferred to your Pokémon. When you reach level 9, whenever you use a consumable that heals your Pokémon, or your Pokémon uses a healing move, roll the dice twice and take the higher result.


You have ascended to an ultimate Pokémon healer. When you reach level 15, once after each long rest, you can spend 1 hour to gain a similar advantage as visiting a Pokémon Center. Up to six Pokémon of your choice are fully healed and cured of all status effects.

Type Master

You feel drawn to the elements, focusing your skills into a particular type of Pokémon. When you choose this path, increase the STAB of any Pokémon that is the same type as your specialization by +1 at all levels. If you select multiple specializations at later levels, the bonus applies to the new type as well. If your Pokémon is dual-type and you are specialized in both types, the bonus is +2.

Drawing Power:

Your Pokémon are trained to draw power from each other. When you reach level 5, as long as half or more of your carried Pokémon are of the same type and within your specializations, Pokémon of that type add 2 to their attack rolls.

Storing Power:

Even Pokémon that are not of your specialization types can feel the effect you have in battle. When you reach level 9, all of your carried Pokémon have resistance to one of your specialization types, determined at the time of gaining this feature. This type may never change, so choose wisely. If a Pokémon was once vulnerable to that type, it now takes the regular amount of damage.

Releasing Power:

Your Pokémon are masters of their own types, focusing their energy in every attack they make. When you reach level 15, for Pokémon of the same types you are specialized in, their STAB can be added to any damaging move of their choosing, even if it is a different type from their own.


You rule over your Pokémon with an iron fist, demanding respect and forming an unbreakable bond with your team. When you choose this path, your starter’s Loyalty increases to “Loyal”.

Follow Me:

You have a firm hand, but a trusting presence. When you reach level 5, any new Pokémon you catch get a +1 bonus to Loyalty.

Show Me What You've Got:

Your confidence and leadership inspire your Pokémon to reach deep inside themselves for unknown power. At level 9, once per short rest, you may choose a Pokémon in battle to activate a single move from one tier above moves that it currently can learn. (For example: A level 4 Bulbasaur can use Sleep Powder - a move only available at level 6 and above.) In the case of Pokémon that are already at the highest level, you may instead activate any unknown move in your Pokémon's stat block OR double the damage dice for a single known move. This feature must be activated before the result of the move is determined.

We're a Team:

Your commanding presence is felt by all ally Pokémon on the battlefield. When you reach level 15, you may use a bonus action to speak a commanding phrase. Until the end of your next turn, all allied Pokémon within 60 feet of you have advantage on their attacks. You may use this feature a number of times equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1). This pool resets at each long rest.


Whether current or aspiring evil team member, your goal is to cast down all goody two shoe trainers and rise up in the ranks! When you take this trainer path, gain a pool of "Shadow Points" equal to your level. Your point pool increases with each level, and resets on each long rest. At level 2, you gain access to the "Sabotage" ability. As a reaction, you may spend any number of points to decrease the total result of an attack roll including modifiers) that hits your Pokémon if it would cause the attack to miss. The natural attack roll is unaffected by this ability for purposes of move effects, and attacks with a natural roll of 20 may not be decreased at all.

And Make It Double

You know the ins and outs of what it means to be a part of an evil team! At level 5, gain access to the "Dark Advantage" ability, allowing you to spend 3 Shadow Points to roll advantage on any skill check, attack roll or saving throw by you or your Pokémon.

Surrender Now

You have made it to the top ranks, commanding authority through your influence of the Shadow Arts. When you reach level 9, you gain the "Sinister Dodge" ability. As a reaction, you may spend 4 shadow points to add one level of resistance to a move that damages one of your Pokémon. (Vulnerable -> Neutral, Neutral -> Resistant, Resistant -> Immune)

Prepare to Fight

With the evolution of your Shadow Abilities through your intense training, you and your Pokémon accept the darkness within and harness it. At level 15, gain access "Copy Meowth" ability, allowing you to spend 5 Shadow Points for any of your Pokémon to invoke the "Me First" reaction.


You have an eye for detail and a unique set of skills to use in battle. When you choose this path, you gain a pool of "Tactical Points" equal to your trainer level. Your point pool increases with each level, and resets after each long rest. At level 2, when a Pokémon regains hit points from an item or move, you may increase the amount by 1d4 for each "Tactical Point" spent.

Directed Strike:

You know precisely where to hit a Pokémon for the maximum amount of damage. At level 5 and higher, you can spend 2 "Tactical Points" to roll the damage for an attack twice, taking the higher result.

Raise Your Defenses:

You are quickly able to sense an incoming blow to your Pokémon. At level 9 and higher, you can use a reaction to expend up to 3 of your "Tactical Points" to add to a Pokémon's AC, if it would cause an attack to miss.

Not This Time:

At level 15, your Pokémon are trained to be unrelenting in battle, never holding back. After an opponent rolls a saving throw for one of your Pokémon's moves, you may increase the DC by up to 5 points if it would cause a failure, spending a "Tactical Point" for each increase.


You are comfortable in the wild, and have an incredible respect for Pokémon in their natural habitat. When you choose this path, gain proficiency in Nature and Survival. If you were already proficient, gain expertise. In addition, gain the "Natural Explorer" feature of the 5e Ranger Class for a single terrain type of your choice.

Deep Connection:

You have the innate ability to communicate with Pokémon on a different level than others. At level 5, you can cast the "Speak with Animals" spell to attempt to communicate with a Pokémon, understanding their response in your own language. Each day, you can use this feature a number of times equal to your CHA modifier (minimum of 1).

Strong Bond:

Your Pokémon team understands that they are in this journey together. At level 9, you can bond with up to two Pokémon at each long rest.

Best Friends:

At level 15, you may have two Active Pokémon to roam the world with you, outside their balls. In battle, on your turn, you follow the same rules as if you have one Active Pokémon. The three of you can still move up to your movement speeds, but one action/reaction/bonus action is still shared by the group. If any one of your Pokémon faints, you may release another to take its place.

Level Prof. Bonus Features Pokeslots Max SR
1st +2 Starter Pokémon, Specialization 3 2
2nd +2 Trainer Path 3 2
3rd +2 Control Upgrade 3 5
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 5
5th +3 Trainer Path Feature, Pokéslot 4 5
6th +3 Control Upgrade 4 8
7th +3 Specialization 4 8
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Control Upgrade 4 10
9th +4 Trainer Path Feature 4 10
10th +4 Trainer's Resolve, Pokéslot 5 10
11th +4 Control Upgrade 5 12
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 12
13th +5 Pokémon Tracker 5 12
14th +5 Control Upgrade 5 14
15th +5 Trainer Path Feather, Pokéslot 5 14
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 6 14
17th +6 Control Upgrade 6 15
18th +6 Specialization 6 15
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 6 15
20th +6 Master Trainer 6 15