Browse Dexes by Generation

Pokemon by Kanto PokeDex #:



Psychic(+2 WIS/INT)    SR: 1

HP: 120(D12)    AC: 19    Minimum Level Found: 10

STR: 20(+5) |DEX: 12(+1) |CON: 19(+4) |INT: 6(-2) |WIS: 16(+3) |CHA: 10(+0)

Saving Throw: Con/Str


| Abilities:

Supersweet Syrup: Once per long rest, you can force your opponent to make a DEX saving throw. On a fail, all rolls against them may be made at advantage.

Regenerator: Once per long rest, this Pokémon regains hit points equal to its level when it returns to its Pokéball.

| Hidden Abilities

Sticky Hold: Held items cannot be stolen or knocked away from this Pokémon.

Weaknesses: Flying, Poison, Bug, Ice, Dragon, Fairy

Resistances: Ground, Water, Grass, Electric


Starting Moves | Learnable Via TMs

Starting Moves

|Life Dew

Type: Water | Move Power: CON/WIS | Move Time: 1 action

PP: 5 | Duration: Instantaneous | Range: 30ft

You scatter droplets of a mysterious water that restores the HP of yourself and an ally, healing 2d4 + MOVE hit points.

Level 1 5 10 17 + Move?
Healing 2d4 2d12 2d8 4d6 Yes
|Disable |Confusion |Swift |Ancient Power

Type: Rock | Move Power: STR/DEX | Move Time: 1 action

PP: 3 | Duration: Instantaneous | Range: Melee

You lash out with unknown inner power. Make a melee attack roll against a creature, doing 1d10 + MOVE rock damage on a hit. On a natural attack roll of 19 or 20, all of your ability scores go up by 1 while you remain in battle. This move can be stacked for a maximum of +5 to all ability scores.

|Psycho Cut |Safeguard |Amnesia |Aura Sphere |Psychic

Type: Psychic | Move Power: INT/WIS | Move Time: 1 action

PP: 5 | Duration: Instantaneous | Range: 40ft

Description: You tap into a target’s mind, damaging their will to fight. Make a ranged attack on a creature in range, doing 2d8 + MOVE psychic damage on a hit. If the natural attack roll is 18 or higher, the target becomes confused.

Level 1 5 10 17 + Move?
Damage 2d8 1d10 3d10 4d12 Yes
|Power Swap |Guard Swap |Mist |Psystrike |Recover |Future Sight

Learnable Via TMs



Psychic(+2 WIS/INT)    SR: 2.5

HP: 309(D20)    AC: 18    Minimum Level Found: 20

STR: 18(+4)|DEX: 18(+4)|CON: 18(+4)|INT: 8(-1)|WIS: 12(+1)|CHA: 10(+0)

Saving Throw: WIS/INT


| Abilities:

Synchronize: If this Pokémon becomes burned, paralyzed, or poisoned, its attacker receives the negative status condition as well (if not immune).

Weaknesses: Bug, Ghost, Dark

Resistances: Fighting, Psychic


Starting Moves | Learnable Via TMs

Starting Moves


Type: Normal | Move Power: STR/DEX | Move Time: 1 Action

PP: 20 | Duration: Instantaneous | Range: Melee

You crush a creature with a pound attack. Make a melee attack roll against a target, doing normal damage on a hit.

Level 1 5 10 17 + Move?
Damage 1d6 1D12 2D8 4D6 Yes


Type: Normal | Move Power: None | Move Time: 1 Action

PP: 3 | Duration: 1 Minute, Concentration | Range: 40ft

Your body flashes into a mirror for just a moment. When it returns to normal, you take on the type of a creature in range.


Type: Psychic | Move Power: None | Move Time: 1 bonus action

PP: 10 | Duration: 1 minute | Range: Self

ur mind elevates to a new level of focus. Add +2 to any saving throw you make for the duration, but select one of your moves that is not Amnesia. You forget that move and cannot use it for the duration.

|Baton Pass

Type: Normal | Move Power: None | Move Time: 1 bonus action

PP: 20 | Duration: Instantaneous | Range: Self

As a bonus action, you may switch out, passing along all negative status effects or stat changes to the new creature. This includes existing substitutes, critical hit bonuses, AC increases, etc. Moves that require concentration may also be transferred, with concentration now dependent on the new creature.

|Ancient Power

Type: Rock | Move Power: STR/DEX | Move Time: 1 action

PP: 3 | Duration: Instantaneous | Range: Melee

You lash out with unknown inner power. Make a melee attack roll against a creature, doing 1d10 + MOVE rock damage on a hit. On a natural attack roll of 19 or 20, all of your ability scores go up by 1 while you remain in battle. This move can be stacked for a maximum of +5 to all ability scores.

|Life Dew

Type: Water | Move Power: CON/WIS | Move Time: 1 action

PP: 5 | Duration: Instantaneous | Range: 30ft

You scatter droplets of a mysterious water that restores the HP of yourself and an ally, healing 2d4 + MOVE hit points.

Level 1 5 10 17 + Move?
Healing 2d4 2d12 2d8 4d6 Yes

|Nasty Plot

Type: Dark | Move Power: None | Move Time: 1 action

PP: 10 | Duration: 1 minute, Concentration | Range: Self

Description: You stimulate your brain with nasty thoughts. For the duration, you have advantage on any attacks with the Wisdom move power. If the attack requires a Wisdom saving throw, the target has disadvantage.


Type: Normal | Move Power: Varies | Move Time: 1 action

PP: 5 | Duration: Varies | Range: Varies

Description: You summon a move at random to inflict against a creature. When you use this move, roll a d100 three times and add the results. The resulting number is the TM number for the move you make. If the number is above the highest TM, roll again. If the move is unable to be completed because of positioning, range, etc., Metronome fails.


Type: Psychic | Move Power: WIS/INT | Move Time: 1 action

PP: 5 | Duration: 1 minute, Concentration | Range: 30ft

Description: You create psychic walls within the mind of a target in range. Force the target to make a WIS saving throw against your Move DC. On a failure, the target is unable to use any Move it knows that is the same as yours for the duration.


Type: Normal | Move Power: None | Move Time: 1 action

PP: 5 | Duration: 1 minute, Concentration | Range: 50ft

Description: You attempt to morph into a near-exact copy of a creature in range. The base SR of the target must be able to be controlled by your trainer or the move fails. For the duration, you copy the target's type, ability scores, skills, speeds, senses, abilities, and current moves. You retain your own feats, level, and HP (Changed CON does not impact your HP).

|Aura Sphere

Type: Fighting | Move Power: STR/DEX | Move Time: 1 action

PP: 5 | Duration: Instantaneous | Range: 30ft

Description: You focus your aura into a concentrated blast that strikes a creature in range. This move is guaranteed to hit for 1d6 + MOVE fighting damage, except when targeting a creature in the invulnerable stages of Fly, Dig, Bounce, etc.

Level 1 5 10 17 + Move?
Damage 1d6 1d10 2d8 5d4 Yes


Type: Psychic | Move Power: INT/WIS | Move Time: 1 action

PP: 5 | Duration: Instantaneous | Range: 40ft

Description: You tap into a target’s mind, damaging their will to fight. Make a ranged attack on a creature in range, doing 2d8 + MOVE psychic damage on a hit. If the natural attack roll is 18 or higher, the target becomes confused.

Level 1 5 10 17 + Move?
Damage 2d8 1d10 3d10 4d12 Yes

Learnable via TMs

Mew is capable of learning every TM move in Generation IX.