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Pokemon by Kanto PokeDex #:



Psychic (WIS/INT +2)

HP: 17(D6)    AC: 12    Minimum Level Found: 1

STR: 12(+1)|DEX: 11(+0)|CON: 12(+1)|INT: 8(-1)|WIS: 12(+1)|CHA: 10(+0)

Saving Throw: WIS


| Abilities:

Healer: As an action, this Pokemon may touch a creature to heal poison, burn, or paralysis. When it uses this ability, roll a d4. On a result of 1 or 2, the status effect is moved to itself.

Anticipation: When this Pokémon enters the battle, an opponent must reveal if it has a move that the Pokémon is vulnerable to. The move does not have to be revealed - only that there is such a move.

| Hidden Ability:

Magic Bounce: Once per long rest, when succumbing to a negative status effect, this Pokémon can instead reflect the effect back on the attacker.

Weaknesses: Bug, Ghost, Dark

Resistances: Fighting, Psychic

Immunities: None

Starting Moves | Level 2 | Level 6 | Level 10 | Level 14

Level 18 | Egg Moves | Learnable Via TMs

Starting Moves


Type: Psychic | Move Power: INT/WIS | Move Time: 1 action

PP: 15 | Duration: Instantaneous | Range: 50ft

You attempt to enter the mind of a target and cause confusion. Make a ranged attack on a creature in range. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 + MOVE psychic damage. If the natural attack roll is 15 or more, the target becomes confused.

Level 1 5 10 17 + Move?
Healing 1d8 2d6 4d4 3d10 Yes

|Play Nice

Type: Normal | Move Power: CHA | Move Time: 1 action

PP: 10 | Duration: Instantaneous | Range: 30ft

You convince a creature that you mean it no harm. Force a creature to make a CHA saving throw against your Move DC. On a failure, any attack the target makes on its next turn is rolled at disadvantage. If the target activates a move that requires a saving throw, you have advantage on the roll.

Level 2

|Life Dew

Type: Water | Move Power: CON/WIS | Move Time: 1 action

PP: 5 | Duration: Instantaneous | Range: 30ft

You scatter droplets of a mysterious water that restores the HP of yourself and an ally, healing 2d4 + MOVE hit points.

Level 1 5 10 17 + Move?
Healing 2d4 2d12 2d8 4d6 Yes

|Disarming Voice

Type: Fairy | Move Power: CHA | Move Time: 1 action

PP: 10 | Duration: Instantaneous | Range: Self (20ft circle)

You let out a charming cry, dealing emotional damage to any creature in range that can hear you. This move automatically hits for 1d4 + MOVE fairy damage unless a creature is in the invulnerable stages of Fly, Dig, Bounce, etc.

Level 1 5 10 17 + Move?
Damage 1d4 2d4 1d12 4d4 Yes

Level 6

|Aromatic Mist

Type: Fairy | Move Power: None | Move Time: 1 action

PP: 5 | Duration: 1 minute | Range: 5ft

You release an aroma that inspires your allies. When you activate this move, you and any ally within 5 feet of you may add a d4 to any saving throw they make for the duration.

Higher Levels: The bonus dice roll for this move changes to a 1d6 at level 10

Level 10


Type: Psychic | Move Power: DEX/INT/WIS | Move Time: 1 action

PP: 10 | Duration: Instantaneous | Range: 60ft

You send a beam of invisible, psychic energy at a target in range. The target must make a WIS saving throw against your Move DC, taking 1d10 + MOVE psychic damage and becoming confused on a fail, and half as much without becoming confused on a save.

Level 1 5 10 17 + Move?
Damage 1d10 2d8 5d4 4d8 Yes

|Heal Pulse

Type: Psychic | Move Power: CON/WIS | Move Time: 1 action

PP: 5 | Duration: Instantaneous | Range: 30ft

You emit a healing pulse that restores a target's HP. Choose a target in range (cannot be yourself). The target regains 4d4 + MOVE hit points.

Level 1 5 10 17 + Move?
Healing 4d4 2d12 4d8 8d6 Yes

Level 14

Level 18

Egg Moves

Learnable via TMs